Precis som på 20-talet var tunna ögonbryn fortfarande trendigt, ögonbrynen rakades antingen av och målades dit med penna eller så plockades de riktigt tunna. Man förlängde även ögonbrynen så att det sträckte sig ända till tinningarna. Olika nyanser av blått, grönt, lila och brunt användes på ögonlocken. Ögonen sminkades så att det skulle se rundare ut, man använde mörkare nyanser på den yttre delen av locket samt i globlinjen. Annars hölls skuggningarna väldigt runda och kanterna väl utsuddade och mjuka. Till vardags hölls locken bara och man applicerade bara lite
Läppformen på 30-talet var inte lika rund och näpen som på 20-talet, det var trendigt med fylliga så kallade "rosebud" läppar. Amorbågen var inte längre lika skarp utan läpparna målades väldigt runda och ibland fyllde man även ut den nedre läppen något. I början på 30-talet använde var flera olika nyansers läppstift populära, ljus rosa, hallonrosa, samt olika toner av rött och orange. Mot slutet av 30-talet var det främst granna röda läppstift som dominerade. |
The makeup in the 1930's wasn't drastically different from the 20's. The complexion was still kept very pale, foundations in really light colors with a slight pink undertone were used. In the beginning of the 30's very little blush was used. Very light pinks and cream blushes were popular because they created a natural look. Later in the thirties deeper colors like raspberry, purple & yellow based reds became popular.
Just like in the twenties very thin eyebrows was still trendy, the eyebrows were either plucked really thin or entirely shaved off and then draw on with a pencil. The brows were also extended almost to the temple. Eyeshadows in shades of blue, green, purple and brown were widely used. The eyeshadow was a applied in a way to make the eyes appear rounder, a darker shade was also applied in the outer corner and to the crease to create depth. The general shape of the eyeshadow was very round and the edges were well blended. For an everyday simple makeup look petroleum jelly was applied to the eyelid to create some shine. Mascara was an essential part of the 1930's, false eyelashes were used a lot too. The eyeliner was quite thin, it started right at the tear duct and ended with a small wing in the outer corner.
The shape of the lips in the 30's wasn't as rounded and as cute as in the 20's. The lips were supposed to be full with an elongated bow that became rounder and flared at the corners. This lip trend was called the rosebud mouth. In the beginning of the 30's shades of light rose, raspberry tones, Chinese red and orange tones were popular but in the later part of the 30's mostly bright red lipsticks were used.
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