söndag 3 mars 2013

Beauty Through the Ages: 1920's

Eftersom jag är intresserad av så gott som allt när det gäller makeup finner jag också skönhetsvårdens / makeupens historia super intressant. Tänkte börja med en ny serie här på bloggen som behandlar makeup trender under olika perioder av historien. Hoppas ni finner det lika intressant som jag!

Since I'm interested in pretty much everything that has to do with beauty I also find the history of makeup and makeup trends really interesting. I decided to start a new series of post where I write about different time periods and which makeup trends were current then. I hope you find this as interesting as I do!

http://3.bp.blogspot.com & http://oohmrsjames.com

På 1920-talet blev kosmetika för första gången tillgängligt för den "vanliga" kvinnan. Produkter som marscara, puder och läppstift hade funnits sedan början av 1900-talet men då användes de främst på bioduken och på teater. Märken som Max Factor och Helena Rubenstein var populära redan då.
   Typiska drag för sminket på 1920-talet var tunna mörka ofta nedåtlutande ögonbryn som fick kvinnorna att se nästan ledsna ut. Ögonen definierades med svart eyeliner som sedan suddades ut för att skapa mjukare konturer. Locken skuggades även med skuggor i mörka nyanser som svart och grått. Ibland användes dock färger som turkost och grönt. För att betona ögonen ännu mer målades också fransarna kol svarta. Läpparna hölls mörka, plommon färgat, brun- och mörkrött samt orange var populärast. Ibland använde man även svart eyeliner för att definiera dem ytterligare. Det var också trendigt att överdriva amorbågen, detta ansågs skapa ett ungdomligt uttryck. Huden höll man rätt så blek med hjälp av puder och så kallad "pan stick" foundation. Till kinderna använde man både kräm- och puder rouger, främst i olika rosa toner. Rougen placerades på mitten av kinden som ma fortfarande gör idag, på 20-talet suddade dock man inte ut rougen utan linjerna var rätt så skarpa.
   Sminket var alltså väldigt dramatiskt på 20-talet och det sägs att stilen av inspirerad av Charles Gibsons "Gibson Girls" illustrationer. Marlene Dietrich, Clara Bow och Gloria Swanson var några av 1920-talets skönheter som bar det ikoniska sminket ack så väl. 

In the 1920's makeup for the first time became available for the "regular" women. Products like mascara, powder and lipstick had been around since the 1900's but they had mainly been used for movies and theater. Well known brands like Max Factor and Helena Rubenstein was already popular at this time. 
   Typical for the makeup in the 1920's were quite thin, dark and downward sloping eyebrows made the women quite look quite sad. The eyes were kept quite dark, they were usually defined with black eyeliner which then was smudged with tones of grey and black to create a softer look. Colors like green and turquoise were popular as well. The lips were also painted with dark colors, sometimes even lined with black eyeliner. Trendy lipstick colors are the time were different shades of plum, dark and brownish reds and oranges. The key lip trend was an over exaggerated cupid's bow and slightly fuller bottom lip to almost make the lips seem heart shaped. The skin was kept quite pale (in shades of cream and ivory) with the help of powder and pan stick foundation. In the 20's you layered you blush, or rouge rather like it was called back then, much like today. First you applied a cream formula only to go over it with a powder blush. The most used colors were pink and berry tones. The application was also similar to today, the blush was focused on the apples of the cheeks. However the trend was to not blend in the blush but to leave quite visible lines. 
   In general the makeup of the 1920's was pretty dark and dramatic and it's said that it was inspired by Charles Gibson's "Gibson Girls" illustrations. Marlene Dietrich, Clara Bow and Gloria Swanson were only a few of the 1920's beauties who wore this strong makeup trend oh so well.

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